Sorry the Women's Circle has sold out this month. Please join us in a future month. Happy Full Moon blessings!


Join the Pink Full Moon Women's Circle to fully release negative thoughts or relationships that do not have space in our 'new life' that is starting to unfold. This moon in Libra will help you with speaking your truth, pursuing justice and resolving any conflicts in your life. This is a time to find your balance in life. Come and feel the community of energy women will come with to help set your intentions to focus on relationships, balance, and harmony in your life!

  • Date:4/16/2022 07:00 PM
  • Location 343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA (Map)
  • More Info:Inner Wild Woman Studio


Imagine a carpet of vibrant pink spring flowers, blooming and fragrant. The Pink Full Moon is named after exactly that: a pink wildflower, known as creeping phlox or moss phlox, which blooms early in the spring. Like the season itself, this rosy lunar event is all about rebirth and renewal. For those of us in Ely, we are craving and planning for spring! Spring is the best time of year to set New Year's resolutions for ourselves, as it synchronizes with the new life that is beginning to bloom.