Wellness Workshops

Join in on my workshops to learn about the many techniques and tools that can aid in a transformational healing process for the 'whole' body. With everything going on in the world today, we ALL need to heal! True healing is about connection and transformation. Transforming, means changing your state of mind or shifting your consciousness. Transforming combined with your intention, which is what you passionately want to achieve, can assist you in every aspect of your life and help you achieve a sense of wholeness, and well-being. My workshops are fun, informative, and interactive while creating a sense of sisterhood in my community.

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Holistic Aromatherapy Practitioner

As a Certified Holistic Aromatherapist I use essential oils and their plant wisdom for specific conditions and complementary therapies for physical, emotional health and well-being. I offer personal aromatherapy consultations that take into consideration many factors when deciding which essential oils to use. I explore clients lives, health, lifestyle, emotional and physical health. I listen to your 'story' to come up with a plan for your specific request. Making use of a number of characteristics and properties of essential aromatherapy products, which are 100% natural, you can prevent and heal, either through external or internal treatments. Health promotion, prevention and stress reduction are key areas where essential oil therapy is highly effective. Aromatherapy can help concerns and goals including anxiety, depression, sleep, stress, bloating, PMS, menstrual cramps, pain management, headaches, migraines, fight infections, improve immunity, eczema, acne and so much more.

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AURA Vibrational Energy Blends

In creating my AURA Vibrational Energy blends I chose specific intentions I wanted to create that resonated with me. The vibrational energy of the essential oils and crystals for each blend was specifically chosen to aid in the 12 intention-based blends. When it comes to aromatherapy and energetic essence of the essential oils, it all starts with our sense of smell and how it shapes our moods and behaviors. The limbic systems of the brain is responsible for interpreting signals and influencing moods and emotions as well as serving as a storage area. I've added selected crystals to each blends to raise the vibration of the synergy. Each crystal has been chosen to help maintain and amplify your focus on the intended positive results.

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Sacred Women's Circles

I welcome you to join in on the Sacred Ceremonies I will be facilitating throughout the year that will give pause of our roles and responsibilities and allow ourselves the space to slow down and simply BE. Attending a Women's Circle can awake something deep inside you. It is a space where women come together and sit in a Sacred Circle created with the intention of making women feel seen, safe, heard, held and witnessed on their journey through life. You'll learn to channel positive energies, meditate, share stories, create ritual, laugh, heal and empower yourself and the women around you by participating in a Circle. A sacred space free of judgement, competition, expectation, pressure or noise. A sacred space void of the demands of the outside world, a space just for us, to go inwards, to reconnect, to return home. A refuge for the spirit of the feminine and to embrace the divine feminine within us.

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