Sorry this event has sold out. Please watch for my 2024 events that will be posted early in the new year.

Why is the Winter Solstice so powerful? The Winter Solstice is one of the most powerful points of the year when the axis of the Earth pauses, shifts and moves in the opposite direction. For three days around the solstice points we may physically, mentally and spiritually experience this stand still and shift of direction. The Winter Solstice is a time to set the tone for the new year and remind yourself of what you hope to accomplish. This night is considered the seasonal dark night of the soul. Spiritually, it's a time to honor both the light and the darkness that resides within each of us.

  • Date:12/21/2023 06:00 PM
  • Location 343 East Harvey Street, Ely, MN, USA (Map)
  • More Info:Inner Wild Woman Studio


Like our ancestors have done from the beginning of time, we will honor the cycle and season of the Winter Solstice with a night of ritual. Ritual acts give life meaning. They also honor and acknowledge the unseen web of Life that connects us all. Spiritually this is an ideal time for inner reflection and contemplation.

This is my last event of 2023, I would love you to join me in celebrating gratitude for the moments in 2023 and set our intentions for 2024. A celebration meal of soup, salad and beverages will be provided.

Watch for the 2024 workshops I will be offering. Have a blessed holiday season, be grateful for our days and to new beginnings in 2024!