15 Oct
How to Make Carrot-Infused Oil

What are the benefits of carrot oil?

Carrots are one of the last vegetables I pull as I put my garden to rest for the winter. So this morning as I looked out the window and saw the snow lightly coming down, it was time to harvest what I've planted. I enjoy making carrot-infused oil to use as a facial oil during the dryness of winter. Carrot oil is chock full of rich vitamins and antioxidants that provide several important benefits. One of the most notable benefits of carrot oil is that it leaves your skin looking youthful, soft to the touch, and calm!

  • Vitamins A, B, C, D and E and Essential fatty acids
    • Beta Carotene
      • Powerful antioxidant with anti-aging properties
      • Same compound that gives carrots that bright orange hue
      • Antioxidants repair cells and tissues in your body which have been damaged by free radicals
      • Cell regeneration occurs, meaning that healthier cells will rise to the service giving off a youthful glow.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties calm the skin
    • Ease forms of inflammation in your scalp as well (sunburn, dry skin, acne)
  • Antibacterial properties help combat acne
    • pimples and acne occur when pores become clogged with your skin’s natural oils, but carrot oil helps to pull out all that debris, leaving you with cleaner and clearer skin.

How to use carrot oil on hair?

While the benefits of carrot oil on skin sound amazing already, it doesn’t stop there! Carrot oil can also be used in your hair care routine. In a sense, just as the oil keeps your skin looking young and healthy, it does the same for your hair! From hair growth and hydrating your hair and scalp to preventing hair loss and split ends, carrot oil will leave your hair silky smooth and moisturized.Recommended use is 1-2 times a week for those looking to strengthen, soften and protect their hair. Additionally, carrot oil is great for protecting hair from environmental pollution as well as eliminating any gross bacteria on the scalp that can cause dandruff or prevent hair growth. While you can find carrot oil in lots of hair products, if you’re looking to treat your hair right, try applying carrot oil from your roots to the ends of your hair, massaging it into your scalp. Sleep with the oil overnight and wash your hair out in the morning! It’s a great pre-shampoo treatment right at home!

Is carrot oil good for hyperpigmentation?

There are many essential and carrier oils that are highly recommended to treat hyperpigmentation and carrot oil is definitely one of them! As mentioned earlier, the high levels of the antioxidant Beta Carotene in the oil repair cells and tissues in our bodies that have been damaged by free radicals. Therefore, it removes the pigmentation and evens out your skin tone. While it is important to take care of your skin and treat hyperpigmentation, the 2 best ways to eliminate your chances of getting are by limiting your sun exposure and wearing sunscreen every day.

Here's my recipe for the carrot-infused oil.

2 pounds carrots

Oil, enough to cover (Some excellent choices: jojoba, grapeseed, almond, avocado, coconut, olive--all good for the skin)

Vitamin E oil

Peel 2 pounds of carrots and grate with a food processor or hand grater. Place grated carrots in a slow cooker and add enough oil to cover. Set to warm (the lowest temperature) and infuse the oil for 66-72 hours. Strain through a fine-mesh or cheesecloth. Label and store in the refrigerator for up to 8 months.

To use: Carrot-infused oil may stain lighter skin. Make a sample by diluting the carrot-infused oil with a carrier oil, starting with a 1:10 ratio--that is, 1/2 teaspoon of infused oil to 5 teaspoons of carrier oil (one of the above). If that doesn't produce a stain, increase the ratio of carrot-infused oil to the carrier oil. Once you're satisfied with the ratio, add several drops of vitamin E oil. Apply to skin, lips, elbows, heels. You may also mix with your favorite cream, lotion, makeup remover and shampoo.

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